The award-winning Cheater story

 *edit: my post keeps deleted!!!!!!!! so here’s a repost* 

It's a long read, but it'll be worth it I promise.

How it all unfolded

Where do I begin? My (ex?)-boyfriend and I had just celebrated our 6th year anniversary when I received this DM:


Of course my heart sank. I was literally shaking.

We don’t usually post pictures together but we had just celebrated our anniversary so he posted a picture of us with the caption “Happy 6 years”, which made perfect sense why I would suddenly receive this DM. I had to ask if he had any evidence. He said that his friend is really scared to send me any screenshots because S is violent but she is willing to meet me to show me the “evidence”. I had to check it out of course, but I brought a stalker alarm with me hahaha. I guess I reaaaaaally wished that it wasn’t true and that this guy is just a pervert baiting me. Sadly, it was not the case. 

I met them, and she told me that she has been in a rls with my bf since last year May when they matched on Tinder. Let’s call her J. I will protect her identity because she’s 9 years younger than him (which made her an easy target) while S is 27. J said that she knew everything about me because he complains about me all the time; hell – she even knew about a dog I was dog-sitting up till MY PLANT. She knew about all my friends (???), everything about my family and even where I lived. She could properly describe my bf’s room with all my pictures and all my things, my bf’s (dad’s) car, the places we always go to eat or where we recently went to because HE DRIVES HER THERE to proudly tell her that he’s bringing me there. (E.g he will drive her to sentosa to show her that we are gonna staycay there this weekend. Why?????)

At this point I was like wait. This is actually real. But as J told more things that happened, this is the part I realised that this is some sort of sick game to him. He is not a regular cheater. He doesn’t just have a double life like regular cheaters. This is not just for the sake of fucking other girls. He does all these “playing” but tries SUPER hard to keep me around. Why don’t you just leave? It is way too much effort and money to spend on your “gf” you tell other girls that you don’t love and can’t stand.

Because of some history (that I will later feature) amongst many other things I’ve forgiven him for, he kinda needs to report to me with pictures and we share our location permanently just in case. For example:

Disclaimer: He offered to do all these. Of course if you are his friend, you might’ve heard otherwise or only gotten half the story. Or that I’m a crazy bitch. But THIS is your friend. YOU decide if he is a good person.

Despite everything that happened, our relationship actually looks pretty fucking solid in the eyes of everyone else. And that is why although I knew that the best thing to do is to walk away immediately because he doesn’t deserve another MINUTE of my life, I knew I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t tell the full truth about this person. I’ll let you guys decide if he deserves to be exposed.

He says this pretty often to “assure” me but I’ll just quote the latest one that he sent me just a week back.

He claims “I want you to know that I do feel lousy for the things I’ve done in the past. And I want you to know that I am working on being a better person overall. Handling things, handling arguments, handling assurance. So whatever you feel, please let me know. Don’t worry that I’ll think you’re crazy because I already know that. And I also know that you’re crazy because of my actions in the past. I don’t want you to keep your thoughts and paranoia in your own head, cos you shouldn’t suffer alone. We are in it together” 

Just as a reference to how our relationship was - we would often make little cards for each other. This featured one was when he was begging for forgiveness about something else. I thought it was really sweet and of course, I forgave him.

Sounds like quite a sincere guy right? Did I misunderstand him? Read on.

Shit just keeps getting worse from here on so hang on tight: (Receipts!!!)

1. He tells people that we are on a break, and he refers to me as his “ex” or simply “her”.

We have only ever been on 1 break for the whole of 6 years, and that was 3 years ago for a few months. Whenever J asked him if I was just an ex then why would he have to hide the rls? He would just insist that it’s complicated and try to convince her to check my IG. He is pretty smart, because the last picture I posted of him was really years back.

Then again, his Facebook profile picture has my face in it. I genuinely thought it was sweet but J said he changed it purely because there was once he thought he almost got caught so he quickly changed it so I wouldn't be suspicious.

He also often fed her sweet nothings like mocking me and saying he would never marry me because I have issues to work on (lol huh?? Do you have a mirror?) and things like he would be with her if she was shorter (excuses). According to J, whenever he bitches about me constantly and she asks him “why don’t you just leave her?”, he will just pretend he didn’t hear it or change the subject. Now we both know he was just manipulating her and using her to satisfy his sick needs. 

2. This woman that I’ve never met knew more about me than I knew myself because he tells her everything. I didn’t even know of her existence but she knew EVERY little detail about my life. For 1.5 years. Why?

This part I really don’t get. Don’t people cheat to get away from their partners or to enjoy the benefits of having 2 relationships? When you’re with her, why are you constantly talking about me? *cues Mariah Carey’s “Why are you so obsessed with me~” What do you want? To prove to yourself that you’re so great that you can have 2 girls (more, actually) at one go? Please enlighten me. I have his tinder screenshots too. All catfish! 

- He often offers to pick my family up when we're caught in the rain, he buys my grandparents things without me asking, he even offered to go and pay respects to my late grandmother on her death anniversary on my behalf and video call me because I’m stuck at work. He offers to do all these things, and yet he will (at the same time) text J and complain about it. He has said really rude things like “Wtf she even needs me to go and pay respects to her dead grandmother for her. Seriously useless” at the same time when he’s video calling me and asking my dad about how the prayers work etc. He asks me about my day, then goes to J immediately and say I’m so irritating and whiny and he’s so uninterested.

What a hypocrite. I really don’t get it. So he offers to do things for me just so he can bitch about me to other girls? Way too much effort. It’s not like I wouldn’t think he’s a good boyfriend if he doesn’t right? I think he gets off on bitching about me? Not like I would ever know so it’s not to hurt me, but to feel good himself?

I really feel so sick knowing that all the things I've shared with you about my day-to-day life are shared with her too. 
If you hate me so much, why go the extra mile? What does she NOT know about me?

Aside from that, he also constantly bitches on me on his Instagram stories, to his close friends list. If you're on that list and still my friend, please fuck off and die. Please look at this fucking disgusting hypocrite.

There was this other one that ended with "fucking pathetic Chongs" as well. Those people who know my parents will know that they're the nicest people ever, and definitely very very kind to him too. Fucking scum.

3. He supposedly does this cheating with his best friend N**el and they both think they’re the Kings of this world and they can do whatever they want and get away with it. (LOL this is one of my favourite part of the exposé, please grab some popcorn! *cringe alert*)

A. He thinks he is god.

He proudly told her that he scrolls through tinder to ONLY fuck girls in Simei because in chinese it is called 四美 (4 beauties)so he wants to build an entire harem of Simei girls. (ahahahahaahaha wtf)

When she asked:

“Lol you think you’re the King ah”

To which he proudly replied:

“Yes of course. I am god. Anybody who meets me is so fucking lucky. I am a blessing to this world.

B. Well. His idea of being a girlfriend:

(Please remember that he is telling this not to his bros, but to his other "gf" J. Isn’t he just so cocky?)


C. He’s not a horrible boyfriend. He is “just a guy”.

Screenshot of a chat of Sh**n talking to J.




D. He secretly takes pictures of girls at East Point (Halo polis!!)

and sends it to J asking things like “You approve? For our threesome? Which one you want? You pick.” Sadly I don't have a screenshot of these convos, but well. You can only imagine.

He also disappears for like a few weeks claiming that he was fucking this other girl without any shame and just comes back to ask J for a threesome. BUT LOOK, HE IS REAL PROUD OF IT. No shame at all.

Screenshot of a chat of Sh**n talking to J.



E. Ok this is really quite smart.

Screenshots from a conversation between J and I:




F. N*g*l’s part:

Screenshots from a conversation between J and I:


BEST BROS AWARD. #brotherhood You guys deserve each other. There is a special place in hell for you two. Hell buddies! Y’all always think it’s so badass right. 

4. He is a compulsive liar, and lies to impress girls.

> When she asked about how many girls he has slept with, he said he lost count. 

He claims: “I am not very handsome but I can get all the chiobus. Let me teach you how to manipulate people. This is how I have my gf in my clutches”

(He doesn’t. He is quite a simp. Lol! I mean, of course from my POV he was just a very sweet bf and I thought we had a pretty equal rls.)

Just some regular conversations between Sh**n and I for reference:

He tells J that he doesn’t kiss and tell when she gets curious about the girls, but he often feels the need to show it off to her.

Just to name a few, he quoted some influencer as his ex-fwb (I believe it should be his poly mate), he claims that he’s currently sleeping with this 26-year-old “ahlian” he knew from his best friend N*g*l, his colleague D***is and has often slept with his ex-classmate from Uni A*dr*a. Well I’m not sure if they ever slept together, or he’s really just dropping names to boost his inflated ego. After all, if you repeat a lie long enough, you might actually begin to believe in it right? But at this point, who cares honestly? 3, 5, 10 or 20. Good for you, bro. 

> He tells her that I live off him and I’m practically useless.

He showed her that his bank account had $20k. (Idk, is it really something to be proud of for a 27 year old???) But the best part is that it wasn’t even his account! In fact, I pay for many things. He barely has more than $500 in his bank at any one point and is mostly always in debt with me. It’s always a “you pay first” as you can see in this screenshot:

(p/s this convo happened after I found out, so I was just pretending to be chill. TBH usually I would immediately transfer him some money. Lol shit AM I the simp? Oh no. Hahaha)



Huh where’s your 20k??

> He lies about him being really tough so J will be scared of him and he can force her to do whatever he wants.

For example:

“My gf is so scared of me, last year I told her to cut bangs or I’ll break up with her. Lol she looked like a Japanese porn star” And made J check my ig to verify. Yes I really had bangs. FML.

“Of course she doesn’t DARE to call me fat. I’ll whack her”
– But he’s a simp, remember? Hahahahaha

“I always bring a knife out when I meet people, even carousellers.”
Noice. Fierce!

“I love ahlians. Esp with tattoos. They’re so sexy. My gf got a tattoo because of me.”
To which she said: “Isn’t ur gf quite ahlian? Look at her hair colour”
And he said: “No, she WISHES she was an ahlian.”
- But I thought he’s a simp who tells me he loves me every 20 messages? Again, only calling him a simp bc he acts so tough! Guys, if you love your gf, you should tell her you love her all the time. It’s fine.

> He said that he bought his own BMW Z4 because he was sad about a break up, but he got bored of it and it’s not worth the money so he sold it.

He now drives his dad’s Honda. He never owned a Z4! But he showed her a picture of our dog in the drivers’ seat in his dad’s previous BMW. You can only see the dog and the logo, so it worked since she’s young and gullible. But… $40 in bank can buy Z4?

5. The other GF

He brings her food and hangs it at her door. Eats the cake she bakes. Brings her to supper places I told him about. He sends her to school. Regular “gf” stuff.

At the same time, every time they meet, he will just want sex. If she refuses, he will get angry. And she is afraid of him, remember?! They do it in the car, outside the car, or when his parents are away or sleeping, IN OUR BED surrounded by our polaroids and a “shrine” for us to put all our travel mementoes and what not. Look at my baby photo! GROSS. When she asked about the photos while doing the nasties, he just says “Ignore it. Just look at me.” Then he will use my stuff on her. Nice. It seems like my clothes/ undies are also always misplaced in his house, but he always has some sort of stupid excuse so I went with it. FML brb I need to throw up.

Sleeping with another woman is one thing, but doing it in a room filled with our memories all around you is really very sick. (Not in picture) Cards I made for you and pictures of us stuck all over the wall. Letters I wrote for you every week while you were in prison. A whiteboard where you drew us as mini characters with the words “best friends!!”. Lego and puzzles we built together; stuff I bought for you; things we collected when we went on trips together all on display. Everything in that room says “clt egg”. We literally have a light box above the bed that says “Clt Loki Egg ❤️“ Even the blanket is something we grossly named “Cloud”. And my baby bolster? That little guy has a name too. For the past 17 fucking months, you had the cheek to tell me “I feel so loved when you call it our room, because it’s our room now ☺️“ Do you not have any shame? Have some standards. 

Pic for reference of her in his room: 


On the other hand, he insults J every time to lower her self-worth and at the same time always boasts about himself so she will feel like he’s too good for her and she should treasure him. After all, he thinks he’s the king right? LOL.

He also proudly tells her that he brings girls to his mother’s shop to take (illegal shit) and have sex. Disrespectful. AF. His mother’s shop, his dad’s car, his sister’s toilet. Embarrassment to the family. It’s also kinda satisfying to hear from J that they hardly go away from the east in case I (the legitimate gf) calls him and he has to come pick me. His house is like a minute’s drive away from mine so upon receiving the call he will just throw her at the roadside and make her walk home herself. (JERK ALERT!) According to her, sometimes the seat is still warm from the previous girl. Or me. He can really plan his time well, picking up one girl after another. They often chat on Carousell too because he has history and I don’t like him on Telegram. Fucking effort. But a bad bf to both parties. Basically just a scumbag.

Oh and he is SO cocky, he often dares her to tell me or befriend me. He told her that he knows for a fact that she will NEVER tell me. I saw the screenshot of him saying things like “Yes please go talk to her. Go befriend her. Send her your nudes. I would love that.” And he even once wanted to introduce her as his cousin and wanted both of us to go to JB and “have fun” together. What a sick, twisted individual. God knows what he meant. He really thinks women are here to serve men. And his best friend enables and supports him. 

6. Bonus history that I never wanted to bring up because I always forgave him. But if you guys haven’t had enough drama, here you go! Might as well.

I urge all the girls out there to be wary of this kind of people around. And have more self-love. Don’t forgive so easily because he will trample all over you. I didn’t have any and look where it got me. These are just a few of the funnier ones, obviously I don’t keep all the receipts because I never thought I’d have to ever do this post. But if there are any red flags in your rls, run as fast as you can. Don’t believe his words even when he’s crying and begging for you to stay, he is not sorry. I wish no one would have ever have to feel the way I’m feeling now. It’s almost unbearable. 

More scum of the earth drama:

> In 2017, he lent me his iPad for school and forgot that his icloud was synced. He actually used WeChat to “look for others online” and found this woman. I think she’s a maid in his condo, probably? They were just having some web cam sex but being the sick bastard that he is, he decided to screenshot and save them AND it appeared on his ipad THAT I WAS USING. FOR SCHOOL. LOL oops, busted!

Yet I forgave him.

Sorry for the doodles, it was a little NSFW. 

> He was on Sammyboy, and I first found out about its existence because of this incident. I was just scrolling through his computer when I came across this website. When I clicked into it, I realised it’s a porn-ish kind of forum that has a feature that if you post your own content, then you “level up” in your membership and you get to view more content. Needless to say… I found him exchanging my pictures (that he took in secret) for more photos of other girls.Thanks. I still forgave him.

> Whenever he’s angry he goes bonkers. In this instance, he broke the door ON ME. (Apparently he showed J pictures of the broken door and was boasting about it. Wow, talk about the need to boost his own ego regardless of the situation) I still have the scar. But I still forgave him either way.




> There was this one time he was home doing some illegal activity and didn’t go to work. He told his superior that he was sick but told me he’s at work. To keep up with pretences, he even described the seminar he was supposedly attending. And things like “I’m on the way to lunch!” “Pee break!” “Wah sian the seminar is so long” so I really wouldn’t have known right?

The funny thing is that on that day he said he just got home and as a regular gf, I just said “I miss you! Send me a selfie”. He disappeared for 15 minutes then sent me a selfie under his block in his work clothes claiming that he was alighting the bus. I forgot what I asked but later he was forced to admit that he has been home and he was actually lying to me. But LOL the main point is that he rushed to change into his work clothes and rushed downstairs just to take a picture for me. Really a lot of effort.

Lying comes so natural to him, I don’t even know how many things he lies about on a daily basis. It’s not just cheating.

8. Finale – My message to him

I wrote all these not because I don’t love you. You know it. I loved you way too much. Despite the arguments, everyone knows how good a girlfriend I was to you. Your mother just texted me to apologise on your behalf. But you truly betrayed me. And your family. And my family. And our friends. Even your bosses. I gave you so many chances. We spoke about marriage and have already planned our future.

We were so proud to be best friends. I really enjoyed living life with you, having our own “bb language”, “foodventures”, “galavanting!!”, or other coined up terms that I thought was special to us. We had so much fun together, or were you lying through those times too? When we went on new adventures together and laughed till we cried, was it all an act? We shared SO many good moments together; we were so stupid together. Can you really look me in the eye and tell me that they were never real? You were really my bestest friend. 

Your friends, our families, all thought we were the Power Couple. People around us were even annoyed that we were so in love, and we were often called the “package deal”. I genuinely thought my life was perfect. Of course, little did I know that it was all nothing but a lie. A very carefully planned out lie. Our entire relationship was a sham. No wonder you were so tired all the time — you had such an exciting life behind my back! I wasn’t enough for you. I’d be lying if I say I wouldn’t miss you, or at least the person I believed to be mine. But it’s okay, now I will never forget this sham of a relationship.

So middle fingers up to you SLWK, I have known about this for a while. Imagine how sick I felt having to act chummy with you and even had to celebrate your birthday with you. I gritted my teeth and tried to carry on with the show on your birthday party. God knows how hard I tried. But as I felt sicker and sicker with every "I love you" at your birthday staycay, I snapped. Every purple heart emoji, every “I love you”, that you've ever said to me, I now know your words don't mean jack shit. 

7-11 was not a coincidence. Neither was the Instagram follow.

I hereby break up with you.

You and Ni*el are pure grade A trash.

Also, remember when you said this?


Yes, you really deserve it. Now that this is over, I can finally move on. I fucking hate you.

I am not okay, but in the wise words of Beyoncé:
“So since I’m not your everything
How about I’ll be nothing?
Nothing at all to you
Baby, I won’t shed a tear for you
I won’t lose a wink of sleep
‘Cause the truth of the matter is
Replacing you is so easy”

I’m definitely not okay. But one day I’ll wake up and you won’t mean shit to me anymore. Can't wait.



  1. Eventually he'll get his retribution. Look forward to it.

  2. My first bf cheated on me too, with a looooot of girls. He did it just because he could and he wanted to see how far he could get away with it. I forgave him many many times because I didn't love myself enough to walk away. Eventually I did, but it took 4 years.
    Better late than never. I'm glad you found out.
    I enjoyed reading your story because you organized it so well and you had the patience to lay it all out. You must be feeling so done with that waste of space. Boys who do this are boys, not men. Pity them. The delude themselves and trick others to feel good but it's a fleeting satisfaction so that's why they keep doing it.
    For him to lie so easily, he's a complete psychopath. I think he'll get his karma.
    My cheating ex is now prematurely balding and still has the mentality of a teenager. Still thinks he's the smartest guy in the room. I once came across a public forum where so many people were pissed at him and insulted him. I loved that so much hahaha.
    Your ex will get what's coming to him. Preferably this includes some incurable STD.

  3. sis u need to chill. don’t let this sort of thing eat you up with anger and hatred and resentment in the long run. believe me, i know what it’s like to have your trust broken so many times in this vicious cycle of “oh he’ll get better eventually i’ll just forgive him”. that’s a big NO. do try to come to terms with yourself and i really do wish you atb with your future relationships. don’t let this affect you too much when you see ur new bf. hopefully it’s a guy that deserves you, and a guy that is honest and sincere with you. i wish u best of luck and stay happy! :3


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