
The award-winning Cheater story

  *edit: my post keeps deleted!!!!!!!! so here’s a repost*  It's a long read, but it'll be worth it I promise . How it all unfolded Where do I begin? My (ex?)-boyfriend and I had just celebrated our 6th year anniversary when I received this DM: Of course my heart sank. I was literally shaking. We don’t usually post pictures together but we had just celebrated our anniversary so he posted a picture of us with the caption “Happy 6 years”, which made perfect sense why I would suddenly receive this DM. I had to ask if he had any evidence. He said that his friend is really scared to send me any screenshots because S is violent but she is willing to meet me to show me the “evidence”. I had to check it out of course, but I brought a stalker alarm with me hahaha. I guess I  reaaaaaally  wished that it wasn’t true and that this guy is just a pervert baiting me. Sadly, it was not the case.  I met them, and she told me that she has been in a rls with my bf since last year May when they ma